"My daughter scraped her skin near her eye and after one application of tallow it was almost completely healed 24 hours later!"

"I burned my wrist on a boiling hot pan, the first photo was within hours after it started to blister. The tallow helped soothe the burn. Second photo was one week later and third photo two weeks later. I applied Glow tallow serum & Hope whipped tallow the mostly and occasionally another tallow balm close by. It soothed and helped heal my burn within two weeks!"

"I had a broken blood vessel for about 4 years now. After using only your tallow, mostly Hope, but also Radiance & Serenity it was almost gone after 3 months! Your tallow has completely changed my complexion to be so much softer and smoother. There is nothing else I'd even consider using, your products are the best!"
"After 6-9 months it's completely gone! (Picture on right is most recent). I don't use it every single day but I'm so happy with these results. I've used Hope & Radiance with some Jubilee serum. They're my fav!"

Before & After using our Radiance tallow balm! Helped start to clear acne/ acne scarring.

"My dad had a really bad callus on his knee from doing construction work and he had used a pumice stone on it which I told him to stop doing and to try rubbing tallow on it each day. I gave him the Serenity I bought and it is amazing how much better it looks! He said 'please thank the tallow lady for her amazing product. I had never heard of tallow before but I'm so grateful for such an awesome product. I thought I'd have this nasty knee until I died!'"

"My little one had a drool rash. I applied tallow to his rash before bed and after one application of tallow, by the morning it was almost completely cleared!"

"My mom just asked me to say thank you. She's been loving the tallow I got for her. Her scar has been healing so much better than the time she had surgery on her opposite wrist!"

Left - "Was her back the day before we started using tallow. She has had these rough bumps all over her, her skin felt like sandpaper".
Right - "This was today, it's been a week since these two pictures were taken but I noticed the bumps went away completely by day 3!"

"Doubting the magic of tallow, DON'T. First photo is on Monday (heat rash) and the second photo was Sunday. This was after applying Serenity tallow at least 1x a day".

Picture shows left after one application of our Matcha Manuka Tallow Sugar Scrub. After Photo was next morning after one application of Serenity Tallow balm.

"We are so happy that we found your tallow. Our poor son used to be miserable because it was so bad he was bleeding. We took him to the doctor for his check up and they prescribed a steroid cream which we didn't use. I've tried so many other organic creams, coconut oil, oatmeal baths etc. but nothing worked. We feel very blessed we were led to you. If we don't use Harmony, it flares up - it helps to control the eczema, if we could get him to stop scratching it would fully clear".
Right- After 3 days of applying Harmony whipped tallow

"I'm so glad I have your tallow on hand! My Daughter got HFM (Hand Foot Mouth) this past week and I've been applying it on her face and there's minimal redness or sores! It has been such a wonderful product to have on hand and I've been telling everyone about it!"
Left photo - when she was diagnosed on Friday
Right Photo- Sunday after applying tallow 2x day since Friday (thru weekend)

" I have weird eczema that shows up on my fingers in the fall and winter. It's actually quite painful. This spot on my thumb usually takes FOREVER to heal due to where it's located. But after 4 days of using tallow...."
Left- Before
Right- After 4 days of applying Serenity Tallow balm

"I accidentally gave myself this awful rash from squeezing my chin exfoliating, and just being pregnant and emotional trying to get off my dry skin. But just 2 days of Serenity its so much better - thank you because I looked crazy!"
Left - Before
Right - 3 days later after applying Serenity

This customer emailed asking if she could expedite her order since her little one was so uncomfortable for over 2 weeks and they wanted to avoid the steroid cream the ped recommended. We shipped it out that day and she received it a few days later.
"First photo was yesterday and second photo was today! The rash was SEVERE. It's going to take time and patience but its already better, thank you!"

"Here's the before and after of my daughters arm eczema hopefully the pictures do it justice because the Gentle has helped so much!"
After - One week of using Gentle tallow balm

"My husband is officially sold on tallow. I had him take these pictures of me 24 hours apart with 1 application of tallow!! His words were 'Wow, that stuff really does work!'"

"I wanted to share a before and after with you personally because it has helped us so much. My Daughter can't do creams and we wanted to stay away from petroleum products so I was at a loss. You were mentioned by another account I follow, I didn't know anything about tallow or if it would actually help, I wish I would have bought it sooner. Not only was it the only thing to clear her diaper rash but it cleared her skin within a week of consistent use before bed. We don't miss a night now and put it on everything!"

"Once again, tallow is the ORIGINAL cure all. Thank you Simply Eden Tallow as always for this. These two photos are only a 24 hour difference!!!"

"We got the tallow from the giveback & were so excited. The day before, my son scraped his nose while playing at the playground. I put tallow on Thursday Morning, Friday morning & this morning & the scratch is completely gone! I was so surprised! Thank you so much".

"My son had a weird rash on his lower back I believe from a diaper or his pants. First photo was taken at bedtime and I applied Serenity tallow. Second photo was the next morning only 12 hours later! I'm always shocked - this is how quickly Serenity helps heal diaper rashes too!"
Have a Before/After Testimonal?
We love seeing tallow in action! If you have a skin condition our tallow has helped improve, we'd love to hear from you. You can leave a review on the product, message us through Instagram or email us images and testimonial directly.